Water Treatment Magnesium Hydroxide

Water Treatment Magnesium Hydroxide

Brand: Messi Biology

Place of production: CHINA

Weight: 20KG\25KG

Product description: Messi Biology produces high purity magnesia and magnesium hydroxide products used worldwide in environmental, industrial, agricultural and specialty applications.

Categories : Magnesium Hydroxide

Wtmag products are non-hazardous, environmentally-friendly, safe and cost-effective treatment options for pH adjustment of potable water. Wtmag is certified by NSF to conform to the requirements of NSF Standard 60 for Drinking Water Chemicals – Health Effects under the categories of pH Adjustment and Coagulation & Flocculation.

water treatment

The following benefits make WtMag the smart choice for potable water treatment:

BenefitWtMagCaustic SodaLime
Easy and safe to handle since non-hazardous and non-corrosive ✔️️❎️❎️
Does not cause scaling problems ✔️️ ✔️️❎️
Supplies more CaCO3 alkalinity equivalency / gallon ✔️️❎️❎️
Long lasting alkalinity / pH control ✔️️❎️❎️
Non-toxic (when used properly), safe for the environment ✔️️❎️❎️
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